

Systema S.p.A.: additional resource technical and commercial staff

People are the real strength of the company

With the aim of consolidating its technical and commercial structure, Systema S.p.A. announces the entry into its team of Alessandro Chiggiato (Italy Area Manager) and Gianni Calzavara (Technical Manager).

Starting from April, Alessandro Chiggiato reinforces the commercial structure of the company for a direct supervision of the sales activities concerning the cooling systems through absorption in the Italian market, with the coordination and strengthening of the network of co-interested intermediaries, as well as service centers, of which the company relies uses for the growing diffusion of the product among designers, installers and users.

Alessandro is already known in Systema due to a similar experience he’s already had in another company, creating direct relationships with a few members or collaborators of the Company.

In his demanding assignment Alessandro will work in close collaboration with Enrico Bettin (Technical Department), who brings an excellent professional and experiential background, not forgetting the useful suggestions and the precious supports coming from Giulio Marconato. (Service Department)

The purpose of this organizational reinforcement, which is also supported by external professionals, is to increase in a decisive and distinctive way Systema's presence in the heat recovery field through absorption and, in general, in the Energy Efficiency area.

Gianni Calzavara, from March 2021, has joined the technical structure of Systema.

Gianni, thanks to the experience consolidated in the thermotechnical field as well as in the certification of gas appliances in line with the most recent national and European regulations, increases the product documentation acting as a competent interlocutor for the professionals who are responsible for the development of the products, operating in the various stages of industrialization both for Systema and for its Polish branch.

In the past Gianni Calzavara has already cooperated with Systema for over 11 years, always within the technical structure, holding different positions.

Also through the entry of Alessandro and Gianni into the team, looking forward to making the relationship with all the local and international interlocutors - and the several sectors served - even more incisive, Systema expresses its firm determination to be a protagonist in the industrial energy efficiency.


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